About 80 percent of American workers would see an AI chatbot impact their work conversation, according to a recent study.
ChatGPT is a free AI-powered “chatbot” that can do everything from writing articles to creating meal plans. It can even help it’s users in applying for jobs.
Observers hailed it as one of the greatest technological achievements since the invention of the computer or the Internet.

OpenAI, the Microsoft-backed technology company that created the software, says that for 80 percent of the American workforce, at least 10 percent of their work may be influenced by technology.
Their research also found that 19 percent of workers saw up to 50 percent of their work responsibilities affected.
The study adds: “Our analysis suggests that the effects of LLMs (large language models) such as GPT-4 are likely to be widespread.”
In addition, the researchers found that higher-paying jobs, which may involve employees performing many software-based tasks, may be more exposed to potential interference from AI chatbots.
“We found that highly science-based roles and critical thinking skills showed a negative association with exposure, while programming and writing skills were positively associated with LLM exposure,” the study said.
Most Risked Jobs due to AI-based ChatGPT
Using various measurement models, OpenAI researchers indexed the occupations most likely to experience disruption. The most threatened professions are translators, poets, copywriters, creatives, public relations, writers, authors, mathematicians, blockchain engineers, accountants and auditors, and journalists.
The paper also analyzes the impact of ChatGPT by industry. Sectors including computer hosting, publishing and security contracts experienced the greatest possible disruption.
In contrast, industries known to be craft – catering, forestry and logging, social assistance and food processing – had the least potential impact.
The report, “An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models” can be found on the OpenAI website.
It comes after Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates warned against Artificial Intelligence changing people’s lives and can have extreme affects on their lives as drastically as computers, the Internet and mobile phones.
Bill Gates View of AI ChatBot ChatGPT
He said he believes artificial intelligence will change the world of work, learning, travel, healthcare and communication.
Gates wrote on his blog that he was impressed with ChatGPT after challenging OpenAI to teach AI to pass an advanced biology exam last year.
“I thought it would keep them busy for two or three years. They finished it in a couple of months,” Gates said. I watched in awe as they took the GPT 60 multiple choice questions from the AP Bio exam and got 59 of them right.
When he passed the test, we asked him: “What would you say to a father with a sick child?” “He wrote a thoughtful answer that was probably better than most of us in the room would have given. I knew I had just witnessed the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface [the first version of a computer operating system].”